Substitutes for Cigarettes
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When it comes to cigarette alternatives, two options are actively considered by today’s generation of consumers- e-cigarettes and snus. Both products will gradually help smokers break their cigarette use, and these products are regarded as a hip and more modern way of enjoying the smoke.
While both cigarette substitutes are known for their similar functions, they differ in composition and usage. If you are looking for an alternative to smoking, then it’s recommended to learn a few things about e-cigarettes and snus.
What Makes e-Cigarettes Different?
According to WebMD, compared to hand-rolled cigarettes and cigars, e-cigarettes are hand-held devices that are designed to vaporize a flavoured liquid. It can come in different fruit flavours that can add to the fun and entertainment value of alternative smoking.First used and manufactured in China, e-cigarettes are now considered an attractive alternative, and its use has expanded to different countries around the world.
What Makes Snus Special?
The use of snus as an alternative to smoking is nothing new. In fact, this tobacco by-product has been in use in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden since the 19th century. Snus is a powdered product from tobacco and often applied to the upper lip of the person. According to CNN Money, this comes in different packages and has a lot of different cost benefits, but the most popular is a portion snus.As the name suggests, this type of snus product is available in cans or portioned boxes, and available in different strengths. Traditionally, the snus products from Sweden are available in standard portions, and these are used by many locals to enjoy a different tobacco experience. But with the popularity of snus use, innovative portions of snus are now made available in the market, and these new portions are designed to improve the snus and tobacco experience.For someone who wants a stronger effect, the ‘Strong’ snus portion is recommended. But for someone who simply wants to try and enjoy the ride, portions like ‘Original’ and ‘Mini’ can work.
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